Similar to the others with 3 notable changes:.Identical to the greatswordsmen, with the exception of the change to Hammer Mastery.Don’t forget: swapping weapons will remove your stacks of Reach Advantage!.Reach Advantage boosts your melee defense when being flanked and swinging your sword.Rotation saves lives and can also be used offensively.Quickhands allows you to switch back and forth to your reach weapons for added range, disarms with the whip, daggers for puncturing, nets, grenades etc.Recover helps to keep you swinging on the longer encounters.Seconday Stats: Hitpoints (80), Resolve (40) Primary Stats: Melee attack (80), Melee defense (30), Fatigue (70-80 after equipment) Iron Lungs, Strong, Fearless, Tough, Dextrous, Sure Footing, Determined, Iron Jaw, Athletic, Brave, Bright, Deathwish, Lucky, Swift Pros & Cons:įarmhands, Brawlers, Lumberjacks, Thieves, Militia, Wildmen, Sellswords, Adventurous Nobles, Hedge Knights Just wait until you have Battleforged and some decent armor before retiring your one-handed weapon and shield. To know your enemy, you must become your enemy. This archetype closely resembles the Barbarian Chosen, which are widely considered to be some of the toughest enemies in the game. What he enjoys most in life is to see his enemies driven before him, and to hear the lamentations of their women. The mighty two-hander is a force to be reckoned with. This is simply a collection of very strong builds that I have found to be highly effective in addition to being fun. I don’t doubt that there are potentially stronger formations out there. Players are encouraged to use their own judgement and modify as they see fit. There is no ideal cookie cutter formation that is perfectly optimized for every single encounter. This is just a guide and is not meant to be interpreted as the absolute be-all-end-all.Suggested reserves: 3 additional melee units, 2 additional ranged units, 1 additional sergeant, and 1-3 dedicated shield tanks.Goblin pikes, swordlances and warscythes are good substitutes for the standard two-handed reach weapons if you find them before the dedicated mastered weapons.You may also want to field an additional sergeant for these encounters, but keep the banner and sash together on the better one The cleaver duelists can trade places with the macemen to gain a better spread when dealing with Geists.The swordlance is interchangeable with the warscythe. They can also start in the frontline, reap with the swordlance as the enemy draws near, then move to the back if you’re about to get flanked. The greatswordsmen can be swapped out for two more ranged units when fighting goblins.In terms of optimization, I believe the bow slightly wins out over the crossbow and is generally favorable

Ranged units can be either bowmen or crossbowmen, and it’s wise to have at least one of each, just in case you find a named bow or crossbow and want someone who can use it.The back line has our ranged units, standard bearer, and greatswordsmen.